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Inspirations, Stories and News dal nostro Mondo
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At the end of another , weird , year , for all of us, we would like to wish you a happy holiday with all our hearts, to you and your families , we are here and we will continue to look ahead! Thanks to @mariachiarafantini for her Christmas whishes cards , made specially for @cdcluxury ! • #christmaswishes #cdcluxurychains #lettering #christmascard #madeinitaly #enjoylife
Leonardo Betti aka @leonardoworx studied at Music and New Technologies at Conservatorio L. Cherubini in Florence (Italy). Between 2006 and 2007 studied also at Ircam and at Centre Pompidou (Paris) where he researched and found a strong and original way that is visible in his artworks. As sound designer and motion graphic designer has worked for fashion brands (like Armani ), for animation studios (like Misseri Studio) and agencies like 8deagosto. Realized also shortmovies and interactive installations using Max/Msp/Jitter. commisioned by european Art galleries and museums. He works around the world almost between Denmark, NYC, Spain and Italy. But when create his own sounds , Ladies and Gentlemen , he becomes @lwxbeats ! Source @behance behance.net/leonardoworx Spotify : Leonardoworx Photo @dario_garofalo #cdcluxury #artist #creativepeople #madeinitaly #leonardobetti #music #art
Lo scultore @jasonarkles ci ha messo a disposizione il suo studio , nel cuore di Firenze , e siamo piombati in una dimensione tra l’onirico ed il teatrale . Come se Firenze fosse la punta di un iceberg e , al di sotto , ci fosse un mondo ancora più grande e brulicante . Artist @jasonarkles Photo @dario_garofalo jasonarkles.com location Jason Arkles Studio – Lungarno Torrigiani – Firenze Sculptor @jasonarkles JasonArkles welcomed us to his studio, in the heart of Florence, and we were plunged into a dimension somewhere between dreamlike and theatrical. As if Florence was the tip of an iceberg, and underneath, there was an even bigger and more teeming world.
Lorenzo Brinati è un artista multidisciplinare che lavora con materiali naturali sia su scultoreo che pittorico . Cresciuto tra le case popolari e le botteghe d’Oltrarno, Lorenzo Brinati ha potuto vivere le ultime vestigia della Firenze rinascimentale. In questo ambiente ricco di storia e cultura, Brinati ha scolpito per la prima volta all’età di quattordici anni copie di teste di Mogdigliani da pietre prese dalla strada. Ora lavora sia a Firenze che nella campagna Toscana. Lorenzo Brinati is a multidisciplinary artist working with natural materials on both sculptural and pictorial media. Growing up between council houses and the workshops of Oltrarno, Lorenzo Brinati was able to experience the last remnants of Renaissance Florence. In this environment of rich history and culture, Brinati first sculpted copies of Mogdigliani’s heads from stones taken from the street at the age of fourteen. Now working in both Florence and the Tuscan countryside. Source lorenzobrinatistudio.com Photo @dario_garofalo Artist @lorenzobrinati Location @casalefiletta #lorenzobrinati #casalefiletta #newproject #italianartist #tuscany #madeintuscany #luxurylife #luxurychains #greenlife
CDC ne sera pas présente à la prochaine édition de Première Vision Paris, pendant les jours de l’exposition du 21 au 23 Septembre vous pouvez découvrir notre collection chez notre showroom en Rue de Berri 6. CDC will not participate to the next Premiere Vision Paris’ edition. During the days of the exhibition from 21 to 23 September, you can discover our collection at our showroom, located in Rue de Berri 6. #pfw #paris #fashiondesigner #trendforecast #georgev #luxurychains #metalchains #madeinitaly
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Lineapelle 2024. Nuovo stand per CDC Luxury
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22 Dicembre 2023
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27 Ottobre 2023
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